Digital Marketing Consulting Services

Start with a long term plan. Leave your competition behind.

An Experienced Digital Marketing Consultant Can Help Your Business Grow.

An expert digital marketing consultant can review your entire digital presence and help you to maximize ROI from them. A digital marketing consultant can;

  1. Evaluate you digital assets and digital marketing strategy.
  2. Find gaps in your present digital marketing strategy.
  3. Create a clear long term digital marketing strategy as per your business goals.
  4. Help you to define your target audience and customer personas.
  5. Find the right digital marketing channels to reach this target audience.
  6. Formulate an action plan to actively use these channels for growth.
  7. Help you to define SEO and content marketing strategy for high visibility in search engines.
  8. Define processes to create high quality content at scale.
  9. Design an effective content distribution plan to reach the right customers at the right time.
  10. Create a measurement plan to evaluate the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts.
  11. Find the most important digital marketing channels that bring success to your business.
  12. Find ways to enhance and improve these channels to get maximum results.
  13. Find new ways to engage present customers and find new ones.
  14. Create and manage highly targeted paid advertising campaigns.
  15. Find new opportunities for growth.

Interested to know more? Contact Us for a Free strategy consultation.

Do you need the help of a digital marketing consultant?

Consider these factors.

Let’s discuss these in detail.

You have a beautiful website, but you fail to attract potential customers to your website.

Having a good website is great starting point. But that may not be enough to attract potential customers to your business. There are many technical and non-technical factors that are essential for a website to get ranked high in search engine results. And if your internal or external digital marketing team fails to address these issues and make required corrections, your website will fail to attract visitors.

And your business will fail to a get customers.

A lot of people visit your website, but very few converts to paying customers.

Getting traffic is useless unless it is the right traffic. You need to accurately define your target audience first. Then create a well-planned digital marketing strategy to reach this specific audience. This process is key to your business success. And for many businesses, this task is very difficult without expert assistance and guidance. Once you start getting relevant traffic, it is important make sure your site is designed properly to increase conversion rate.

You are finding it difficult to engage present customers and reach potential new customers.

The way people use digital marketing channels keep on changing with time. To be successful in digital marketing you need to understand these changes. With other priorities, your in-house team may struggle to follow these changes and make required adjustments to your online marketing strategies.

Your in-house team is good in creating high quality content in multiple formats. But still you are struggling to attract relevant traffic to your website.

Creating great content is not enough. It must reach your prospective customers. The website and blog content must be optimized as per search engine optimization (SEO) best practices to rank high in search engines. And the content must me distributed in the correct digital platforms in the right format to gain visibility.  Without a good digital marketing strategy and expert guidance many businesses fail in this task.

You are spending a lot of money running ads in different digital marketing platforms. But the results are not as expected.

There are many digital marketing platforms that a business can use (like Google Ads, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more). And there are different types of ads (text, image, video and more) and ad formats.

The selection of the most suitable digital advertising platform and ad type must be based on your target audience and their interests. And all these advertising platforms are very complex. If your campaigns are not managed or guided by an expert digital marketing team, you will not get the expected results.

Your present digital marketing team or service provider fails in pro-active campaign management.

It can be because of the lack of focus, expertise or guidance. In any case, an expert digital marketing team will be able to help you.

Measurement & Growth – You are struggling to measure the effectiveness of your digital marketing channels and efforts

Businesses should have specific digital marketing measurement plan in place for growth. Proper evaluation of key performance indicators (KPI) like website visits per digital marketing channel, cost per lead and cost per acquisition is critical in the success of your business.

If you currently don’t have a digital marketing measurement plan in place then it is time to create one.

You are looking for new opportunities to grow your business.

Finding profitable growth opportunities needs expertise. Using the right digital marketing strategy, channels, content types and optimization techniques is vital for business growth. If you don’t have the required expertise, then think about hiring an expert team to do this job.

You struggle to interpret digital marketing and web analytics data

Web analytics tools and digital marketing channels will throw tonnes of data in front of you. Accurately interpreting this data in vital in taking informed decisions about your business. Sometimes actionable data is buried under vanity metrics and inflated averages.

If you don’t have the expertise to understand this data, then you must think about hiring an expert digital marketing team to do this job for you.

Want to discuss your business challenges? Let’s talk.

Digital Marketing Strategy for success

Ideally you should have two strategies for success. Yes two strategies.

A short term plan and a long term plan

The short term digital marketing strategy – For fast results

The short term plan should be designed to bring your most potential customers to your website – fast. How fast you get results is based on the digital channels you use. Highly targeted paid advertising campaigns on Google, Facebook or LinkedIn are a great way to bring high quality traffic to your website. Instantly bringing in prospective customers who are ready to buy from you. This can be a great way to start increasing lead flow or sales.

There are also factors which can make instant impact. Like improving your website speed, correcting the basic SEO flaws or making small design changes on the website. All these small steps can considerably boost your website traffic and conversions.

In the short term plan you should work more on the small changes which can be done faster and which will bring faster results. Without the help of an experienced digital marketing team, most of the businesses will fail to even find these flaws and easy fixes.

The Long Term Digital Marketing Strategy – For Future Growth

Change is inevitable and it will come thick and fast in the digital world. Your business will change with time. Your business goals will change. Your customers will change. And the technology that connects your target audience and your business will change.

All the digital marketing channels are very dynamic. User behaviour will continuously change based on new trends. Your long term digital marketing strategy must be flexible to adapt future technological changes and business requirements.

And it must also find new opportunities for growth.

How can we work together?

We can help you in two ways.

As a service provider, helping you in

  1. Pay per click (PPC) campaign management (Google Ads, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
  2. Display image/banner advertising.
  3. Video marketing (YouTube)
  4. Mobile app promotion
  5. Remarketing
  6. Increasing local store visits
  7. Content Marketing Strategy
  8. Web Analytics and Reporting

 As a mentor and consultant

We will create a clear long term digital marketing strategy for your business.  Then our team will guide your in-house team or digital marketing service provider in implementing this plan.

Interested to know more? Call us now or fill out the form on this page. We will set up a call to see how we can work together to grow your business!

Email: connect @ digitalferry . com
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