Microsoft Ads (Bing Ads) Management

microsoft ads management

microsoft advertising or bing ads

Microsoft Ads Management (formerly Bing Ads)

Do you want to reach more customers?

When it comes to search engine marketing, people always tend to think only about Google Ads because of the massive reach it provides.

But if you are interested to expand your reach beyond Google, then Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads) will be a great option for you.

Why Microsoft Ads?

There are still a lot of potential customers out there who do not use Google!

They use Microsoft Bing to search the internet.

Monthly in the US alone, 48.6 million desktop searches happen outside Google. You can reach these potential customers only with Microsoft Ads.

microsoft ads reach

Bing Ads – Reach a More Mature Audience with More Spending Power

“Nearly one-third of the Microsoft Search Network audience has a household income of $100,000 or more. 58% hold a college degree and nearly 40% are between the ages of 35 and 54 years old” Learn More.

As per a new study, People who search the Microsoft Search Network spend 25% more than the average internet user.

So if you are looking for a more mature, high spending audience then Microsoft Ads will be a great advertising channel for you.

Advantages of Using Microsoft Ads

  1. The competition is low – Compared to Google, competition on Microsoft Ads is low. This can give you better visibility and amazing results.
  2. Average cost per click is low – In some industries, the average cost per click is more than 50% low, compared to Google Ads!
  3. You can begin with a low budget – Low cost per click and low competition gives you an excellent opportunity to advertise your business with a low budget.
  4. Reach an audience that you cannot reach by Google.

Sophisticated Targeting Options and Accurate Reporting

Microsoft Ads offers all the targeting options present in Google Ads (in some cases more options).
With highly targeted ads and best suited ad extensions, Microsoft Ads will help you to get more leads, phone calls, appointments, page visits or purchases for your business.

With advanced tracking and reporting functionalities, Microsoft Ads will ensure best return on your advertising spend.

Microsoft Ads Management – Bing PPC Management – Get Started

So are you interested to find new customers using Microsoft Ads?

Contact Us now to get started!

If you already have a Microsoft Ads account, we can audit it to find new growth opportunities.

And we can provide high quality monthly Microsoft Ads management and optimization service for your present campaigns, Let us know!

Email: connect @ digitalferry . com
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